Edmore Economic Loan Fund (ELF)
The Edmore Economic Loan Fund (ELF) is a revolving loan funded with Urban Development Action Grant payback monies. The program is currently funded through investment earned on these original funds, sale of loans, loan repayment and interest earned from outstanding loans. The goal of the ELF is to be a financial tool that will attract firms to the Village Industrial Park as well as provide working capital for business ventures elsewhere in the Village. The fund is administered by the ELF Committee that is appointed by the Edmore Village Council with the authority to work with participating institutions, provide loan oversight and make recommendations to the Edmore Village Council in the disbursement of funds. Funds can be used for:
- Capital Improvements
- Purchase of equipment or property
- Façade improvements
- Start-up Capital
- Business Marketing*
To learn more about the fund and successes in the village please contact the Village of Edmore or download the ELF brochure or click to complete the ELF Application.